Will to MotivatE(U)

Si ricorda che dal 21 al 24 ottobre 2019 la nostra scuola ospiterà cinque delegazioni di docenti e studenti europei provenienti da scuole nostre partner del Progetto Will to MotivatEU.
Scuole Partner:
Gospodarska skola – Čakovec – Croatia
Szegedi Szakképzés Centrum Móravárosi Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája – Szeged – Hungary
Verkmenntaskoli Austurlands – Neskaupstaður – Iceland
Odda vidaregåande skule/ Odda upper secondary school – Odda – Norway
Gimnazija Celje – Center – Celje – Slovenia

Programme 20th-26th October 2019

PROGRAMME –  20th - 26th October 2019 for Teachers and Students

Sunday, 20th

Arrival of the groups in Poggibonsi. Welcome at the train station or at the hotel, according to arrivals. Hotel/Host Families accommodation. Free evening.

Monday, 21st

08.30-10.00 - Briefing and Welcoming Address (Teachers, host and guest students in the Auditorium).

10.00-10.30 - Coffee break (Science Lab).

10.30-11.30 - Workshop: “A New pair of Glasses” (Teachers and students in the Science Lab).

11.30 – Italian students join their classes.

11.30-13.20 - Presentations in our Labs: Mechanics, Electronics, Science, Chemistry. (Teachers and guest Students).

13.30-14.30 - Buffet Lunch at school in the Science lab. Teachers and students (On the house).

14.30-16.00 - Presentation: Motivation and Students Protagonism in Mobility (Teachers and students in the Auditorium).

16.00 - End of activities and free time

Tuesday, 22nd

08.00 - Departure from the hotel and meeting with guest students at Poggibonsi train station.

08.10- 13.25 - Host students attend their classes.

08.10 - 09.30 - Bargain-hunting at the open air market in Poggibonsi. (Teachers and guest students)

10.00 -11.30 - Presentation: Motivation and Students Protagonism in the School Bodies, Self-Rule (Teachers and guest students in the Auditorium).

11.30-11.45 - Coffee Break (Science Lab).

11.45-13.20 - Presentation: How to lead students to success (Teachers and guest students in the Auditorium).

13.30 - Students come back home and have lunch. Free afternoon and evening.

13.20-14.30 - Buffet Lunch for Teachers (Science Lab). On the house.

14.30-16.00 – Workshop – Motivation: Roles and Identities (Science Lab).

16.00 - End of activities for teachers and free time.

Wednesday, 23rd

08.25-13.25 - Host students attend their classes.

08.20-10.20 - Guest students join ICT Lab. MPS.

08.45-10.30 - Workshop: Stress Management Techniques (Teachers in the  Science Lab)

10.30-11.00 - Coffee Break (Science Lab).

11.00-12.30 – Presentation: Motivation and work experience (Teachers and guest students in the Auditorium).

12.30 – End of Activities. Teachers and guest students have lunch at the restaurant (Charged on participants).

13.30 Guest students come back home with their hosts. Free afternoon and evening.

14.00-15.00 - Mid-term assessment meeting (Teachers in the Science Lab).

15.00- End of activities for teachers and free time.

Thursday, 24th

08.10 - 10.00 - Guest students join Sport Classes. (Tracksuit, please!) – Host students attend their classes.

08.30 - 10.00 - Focus: Motivation and Organizational Well-Being at school: Peace Pack Project (Teachers, in the Auditorium).

10.00-10.30  - Coffee Break (Science Lab).

10.30-11.00 - Certificates conferment and photos. (Teachers and guest students in the Auditorium).

11.49 -  Departure by train for Siena. Escorted sightseeing tour of the city, free time for lunch. (Return ticket € 7.20 per person).

16.41 - Departure by train for Poggibonsi.

17.00 - Guest students come back home. Free evening.

Friday, 25th

Full day in Florence – Comfortable shoes are recommended.

8.45 Departure for Florence by train (Teachers and guest students. Return ticket €15.80 per person)

Escorted sightseeing tour of the city, in the morning.  Free time for lunch and shopping, in the afternoon.

16.10 Departure for Poggibonsi by train.

17.10 Students come back home. Free evening. (Suggested activity: Farewell dinner at a Pizza Restaurant).

Saturday, 26th

Departure of the groups

Progetto Will to MotivatE(U)

Il progetto si rivolge principalmente ai docenti che svolgeranno una formazione in modalità transnazionale sul tema della motivazione. Gli obiettivi sono:

  • Scambiare buone pratiche tra le scuole partner del progetto;
  • Aggiornarsi sull’uso delle TIC e altre metodologie;
  • Acquisire consapevolezza sull’importanza della motivazione intrinseca;
  • Migliorare la capacità di interazione in lingua inglese.

Durante gli incontri che avverranno nell’arco di due anni scolastici i docenti svolgeranno seminari, focus group e osservazioni in classe durante le lezioni. Il progetto è basato su un partenariato Erasmus+ KA2 tra sei scuole provenienti da Croazia, Islanda, Italia, Norvegia, Slovenia, Ungheria.


Link al sito creato dai nostri partner ungheresi:  WILLTOMOTIVATE

Link al post sul FOCUS GROUP

Progetto Erasmus+ Will To MotivatE(U) NORVEGIA 2019